
RawTherapee,ARTanddarktable.ExifviewerwillnotworkwithCR3inRawTherapee.DownloadNightly.ART(AnotherRawTherapee)workswithCR3.,2022年12月2日—Hello,I'mtryingv5.9andIseethereisstillnoexifdatafromCR3files(R5inmycase).Iinstalled5.9over5.8tokeepsettingsand ...,2022年8月23日—I'velookedatalltheconfigoptionsetc.butdon'tseeanythingthatrelatestothisproblem.HaveImissedsomethingoristhisabug?,Themainreasonbehi...


RawTherapee, ART and darktable. Exif viewer will not work with CR3 in RawTherapee. Download Nightly. ART (Another RawTherapee) works with CR3 .

RawTherapee 5.9

2022年12月2日 — Hello, I'm trying v5.9 and I see there is still no exif data from CR3 files (R5 in my case). I installed 5.9 over 5.8 to keep settings and ...

EXIF data doesn't display on .CR3 files

2022年8月23日 — I've looked at all the config options etc. but don't see anything that relates to this problem. Have I missed something or is this a bug?

Using Exiftool After Postprocessing the CR3 Files

The main reason behind that is RawTherapee by default does not read the exif info from a .CR3 file which is the Raw file format used by Canon 200D II .

CR3 image decoding support · Issue #5319

2019年5月11日 — Is there anything I can do to help to get the metadata support in RawTherapee? I looked at the list of pictures which are required and I didn't ...

CR3 metadata decoding support #6248

2021年5月20日 — The metadata-exiv2 branch is 252 commits behind dev: https://github.com/Beep6581/RawTherapee/tree/metadata-exiv2. I understand it could be a ...

RawTherapee v5.10

2024年2月16日 — Metadata is now handled by Exiv2. CR3 metadata is supported. When saving images in the TIFF file format, there is a new option to use the ...

Canon EOS 7D 10D

2020年2月7日 — I have used RawTherapee many times to load CR3 files from R5. Exif reading is still not working (but it works in AnotherRawTherapee). Reply ...

Any way to read EXIF data on CR3 files?

2023年4月2日 — Hi all. I'm currently running RT 5.8-1 in Linux Mint 20.3, and I can't read the EXIF data on CR3 files. Is there any way this can be done?